Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Let's vote!

This is the second year that I vote in the USA, but is the first for president. Although this blog is meant to be objective and without a party, giving each candidate the respect they deserve, there are moments that the journalists must come out from our protection of the objectivity and support the political, social, cultural or religious thought we are inclined to.

Well this is the moment that I’m coming out from that protection y tell my personal thoughts about it. Donald Trump is millionaire bully without respect to the people outside his circle. He doesn't have respect of his political opponents, the people and he only loves himself. Every word he has said along the whole campaign since the primaries of the GOP, that we the Mexicans are rapists, assassins, that Hillary is a liar and criminal it's offensive to each person that listen or watch him on TV, except for those who support him, which education, is zero to none

They talk about the Clinton Foundation, without mention any of the good actions they do worldwide and just suggest that the donors are crooked people. But when they talk about Trump Foundation they don't said anything about what is all about. And they don't see that Trump uses the monies for financing his own campaign.

Even the republicans are ashamed of Trump, although some just repeat the lies he said all over the place. Some good friends of mine, also republicans (nobody is perfect), take the sayings of Trump as a joke, without seeing that at the end, if he wins the elections, can take the country to the bankruptcy, to an economical war, and to an internal war just as American Civil War.

And if he does not, also the country can go crazy with the extremists who support Trump. Let's hope this doesn’t happen. For this reason, I ask my friends, republicans and democrats to vote for Clinton and avoid that kind of event. My republicans’ friends remember that you can come back in four years and support any intelligent, smart person who loves the country more than himself. And my democrats’ friends, don't fight only this time, keep fighting every day so the United States of America keep going as the name say, united.

So, let's vote!


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